Investment Committee – June 2024


AI Surge, US Elections, and Inflation Concerns

In this month’s investment committee meeting, we analyzed the key themes influencing our strategic decisions, including the heightened market excitement around artificial intelligence (AI), the implications of the upcoming US presidential election, and notable shifts in the Federal Reserve’s stance on inflation. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of our analysis and the strategic directions we are considering to optimize our clients’ portfolios.

Market Overview and Key Themes

AI Market Excitement and Sector Impact

The first quarter earnings reports have significantly amplified market enthusiasm around artificial intelligence (AI). This surge in excitement is now spilling over into new sectors, particularly hardware. Companies within the hardware sector are seeing increased interest as investors anticipate the broader application of AI technologies.

US Presidential Election and Market Implications

With the US presidential election on the horizon, investors are beginning to focus on potential outcomes and their implications. We anticipate that the market will start to position itself based on expected policy changes, particularly in industries likely to be affected by new regulations and government initiatives. This positioning will likely intensify as the election date approaches, influencing various market segments.

Federal Reserve’s Stance on Inflation

A notable shift in the Federal Reserve’s narrative has emerged, with members expressing reduced confidence in their ability to restrain inflation. Discussions are leaning towards the possibility of tightening monetary policy if inflationary pressures persist. This potential policy change is significant, as it could lead to increased market volatility if the rhetoric does not quickly revert to a more dovish stance.

Market Dynamics and Investment Strategies

Liquidity Flows and Price Pressure

We have repeatedly highlighted that current market pricing is heavily influenced by liquidity flows. Investments experiencing high performance attract flow-driven trading, which in turn creates price pressure, further enhancing the returns of these investments. However, distinguishing between self-inflated and fundamentally driven returns remains challenging for investors. This dynamic can lead to short-term return chasing that significantly impacts long-term flow patterns.

Endogenous Feedback Loops and Market Bubbles

The combination of price impact and return-chasing behavior creates an endogenous feedback loop, often leading to market bubbles. Historical patterns suggest that such bubbles unravel once price pressure reverses. Investors should be cautious of these feedback loops, as they serve as predictors of potential market corrections.

Equity Volatility Strategy

The spread between 1-week S&P500 implied volatility and realized volatility has remained high, averaging over 8% for more than a year. If this spread begins to revert to its historical mean, it could drive realized volatility closer to 20%. Consequently, we recommend maintaining a long position in equity volatility over the summer to capitalize on potential increases in market volatility, thereby enhancing client portfolio performance.


In summary, the investment landscape is being shaped by several key factors; investors should remain vigilant, recognizing the influence of liquidity flows and the potential for endogenous feedback loops to create market bubbles. Our strategy to stay long on equity volatility is aimed at navigating the expected market turbulence while seeking opportunities for our clients.

We will continue to monitor these developments closely and adjust our strategies accordingly to ensure that our clients’ portfolios are well-positioned to benefit from the prevailing market conditions.

Authors: John Couletsis and Kostas Metaxas